I started my reiki journey on Monday 19th October by surfing on Youtube and clicking keywords "free reiki initiation". I got the link from the Youtube chanel “Love Inspiration” in which they offer the free Level 1 course of Usui Reiki. The gentleman teacher from the video looked very nice and warm and I was inspired. Here is the link of the first video of the free initiation course: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Rxz2HajKAU&list=PLXs-fkBh2ZJENN106Fxm0XRbOu8Q25Zho
I followed the instructions – downloaded the free ebook from the Love Inspiration website : https://www.loveinspiration.org.nz/usui-reiki.html
There I discovered that they free courses for other levels and found out that there is so much to learn. I really got inspired and was feeling the positive energy. I started reading the book. I did the invoication to open the energies and reading the book. I got until the page 31 when the history of Usui starts and I decided to take a break. In the book the autors Marty and Gerry are explaining how we can take our our rhytm and time in learning. I want to take is slow, I’m not in a hurry.
It’s almost midnight and it’s time to go to sleep. Thank you for this moment of discovery. I’m very excited to learn more about reiki.
I’m very tired and empty this evening. I guess that I overworked today. But that’s ok. Today, I learned more about the history of Reiki, about the life of Dr. Usui, different reiki lineages chakras, auras and what are the benefits of reiki. While reading the text I was very relaxed and feeling sleepy. So now I’m on the page 54 where real hands on lessions start. The book asks to be sure to receive invocation or attunement from the page 4. I did it yesterday but just in case I want to do it again. I will do it tomorrow, again.